Hanover Baptist Church Events

Archive for the ‘Missions’ Category

Dozens stayed after the morning worship service to help pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. After a quick meal of pizza and hot dogs,  we packed 300 boxes full of love and Christmas presents for children all over the world. Over the coming week, we packed an additional 25 boxes. Thanks to everyone for your loving work.

Tonight we started gearing-up for Operation Christmas Child. Everyone chipped in to help us get prepared and organized for Sunday’s packing party. With a little pizza and hotdogs for fuel, we proved once again that work really can be fun!

This morning several of us visited Ramoth Baptist Church, Stafford, who hosted a learning event for Sunday School teachers, deacons, women’s ministry and youth leaders, and everyone interested in a healthy church. This conference was a free event of worship, teaching and leadership training, and workshops to encourage, mentor and challenge us in our areas of service.

…for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ… ~ Ephesians 4:12

The morning worship session featured a keynote speaker, praise team, testimony and special music. Afterward, there were break-out sessions for the following ministries:

  • Women’s Ministry
  • Men’s Ministry
  • Student Ministry
  • Children’s Ministry
  • Preschool Ministry
  • Pastors
  • Missions
  • Sunday School/ Small Groups
  • Discipleship/ Assimilation
  • Evangelism & Outreach
  • Worship & Music
  • Churches Planting Churches

The fellowshop hall was packed as we enjoyed a quick lunch and launched into our annual labor of love, stuffing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. We easily met our goal of 300 shoeboxes!

Tonight we gathered in the fellowship hall to assemble the cardboard shoeboxes and prepare all the goodies that go in them. The work went by quickly and we all had a good time. The pizza wasn’t bad, either