Teen and Youth Ministry
At Hanover Baptist, we feel a strong duty toward strengthening families and helping our youth mature into godly adults.

The teen and youth ministry leads the way by providing godly role models, friendship, and education. Leaders work to create a spiritual home where youth are safe, acepted, and loved.
…we will help our youth establish a vital relationship with Christ, a vital relationship with the local church, and perfect the image of Christ. We are committed to fellowship with a purpose, and bringing glory to God in everything we do. ~Teen and Youth Ministry Mission Statement

Our teens have their own Bible study where emphasis is placed on filling the soul with bible knowledge and learning practical applications they can use in school, with their friends, and in their jobs. During an annual church breakfast, teens learn practical humility and service by waiting on tables. Another wonderful opportunity is helping with younger kids during Vacation Bible School.
Of course, teaching is only part of youth ministry at Hanover. What is the point of being young if you don't have any fun? Our teens and youth enjoy a wide range of activities including table tennis, foosball, camping, shooting, watersports, and paintball.
The church is no more a substitute for good parenting than the public school is. Parents are encouraged to attend most youth-oriented events, and many do. Families who worship and play together enrich their own lives and help Hanover reach our goal of being a multi-generational church. If you are young or young at heart, please join us at Hanover.