This is who we are
Our church's goal is to be known as a church that communicates God's Word with excellence and fidelity. My personal goal in my ministry is threefold. I desire to introduce you to Christ, that you will fall in love with Him through Bible study, and that you will find a place to serve Him here in Hanover Baptist.
Our church is here to serve the King of Kings and to become a spiritual family to which you can belong.
Rick Crookshank, Pastor
Our doctrine is straightforward
We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible. We are premillennial and dispensational. We are baptistic in our church polity and believe that churches should associate together with churches of like faith and practice.
Jesus said: "I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him Who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life." (John 5:24)
We believe that all men are concluded in unbelief and are destined for Hell without the gracious intervention of God in their life. The good news of the Gospel is made possible through the finished work of Christ on the cross and the regeneration wrought in the heart by the Holy Spirit. This gift is appropriated through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
The Baptist Faith & Message 2000 identifies and affirms "certain definite doctrines that Baptists believe, cherish, and with which they have been and are now closely identified."
Our core values are easy to understand
- Christianity is not a mediocre religion.
- Jesus Christ, our loving Lord and Shepherd, is preparing us for, and bringing us to, glory.
- All men will stand some day before their Sovereign Maker and give account.
- There is no substitute for a Spirit-led life.
- A growing relationship and walk with God requires Bible study and purposeful prayer.
- The sincerity of our love for the Lord is proportional to the way we treat every individual in our church family.
- Our submission to God is proven by wholeheartedly fulfilling our God-given roles and using our God-given talents with a servant’s heart (no options, choices, or room for question).
- Evangelism (fired in the furnace of time spent in the presence of the Father) is what sharpens the reality of my faith.
- The work of God is accomplished at the communication and reception of the Word of God.
- We will strive to make daily decisions that will bring God the greatest glory.
- God’s design Christians is incomplete without consistent corporate involvement in worship, prayer, preaching, discipleship, fellowship and observing the ordinances.
- The Hanover Baptist Church mission outreach is broken into three priority mission fields. First, reach our own children and families with the Word, second, reach our neighbors and King George with the Gospel, and third, train, approve, and send missionaries to evangelize the world.
- We must follow Jesus as our Master being ever mindful that He never promises to follow us.
- Our church will seek to maintain multi-generational relevancy, strengthen the family, strive to draw young people into the life of the church, and promote intergenerational ministry.
Our covenant clarifies the believer's relationship to God
- I will obey and honor the Bible, God’s inspired Word.
- I will pursue spiritual maturity in myself and others.
- I will speak with grace for the purpose of edifying.
- I will follow the principles of the church doctrinal statement and values; and not allow fleshly passions to rule me.
- I will practice personal worship and lead my family to worship.
- I will live each day in expectation of Christ’s return.
- I will be a good steward in the use of my time, talent, and treasure.
- I will be a fisher of men seeking the salvation of those within my reach and supporting mission efforts beyond my reach.
- I will be known for my integrity at home, work, and play.
- I will commit to the practice of prayer for myself and for others.
- I will strive to love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, and mind; and love my neighbor as myself.
- I will bring my irreconcilable disputes with other believers to the church body and will abide by its judgment.
- I will not be addicted to any habit, substance, thought or behavior that dishonors God.
- I will show respect to all men as bearers of God’s image with an eternal soul.
- I will not forsake the assembling of believers.
- I will fill my day with Spirit-led decisions.
- My consuming purpose is to bring glory to God so that I may hear, “well done thou good and faithful servant.”