Men’s Ministry
Hanover Baptist Church has a strong contingent of men serving the Lord in many ways, but you might not notice them. The humble Hanover men keep a rather low profile while serving in the church and community, seemingly appearing out of nowhere when a need arises.

The men's forte is physical labor, so you are most likely to find them building, repairing, painting, landscaping, or cutting grass at the church, parsonage, or in the community when someone can't afford professional help. Our men specialize in felling trees (especially after severe storms) and stockpile many cords of firewood that keep the needy warm in winter.

Hanover men like to feed souls too. They strive to be good models for today's youth and consider it their mission to help teen boys grow into godly men. They hold a men's bible study () every Tuesday evening at 7:00 in a member's home, and get together for pure fellowship at a monthly western movie night.
The men have also been known to gather occasionally for the premier fraternal activity—fishing. After a couple days of sun, fun, and felowship they always return with plenty of stories to tell. Hanover men are fishers of men, too—through Hanover's community outreach programs and mission activities. While the Marines may just need a few good men, we want as many as we can get for God's Army. We encourage you to come to Hanover Baptist Church and serve alongside the Baptist Men.