Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for the ‘What Is the Church?’ Category

Outline—Ephesians 4:22–24

  1. Put off (v. 22)
  2. Be renewed in your mind (v. 23)
  3. Put on (v. 24)

Take Home Point

  • We have been healed, released, redeemed (bought), set apart, blessed,accepted, and included. We are no longer the worthless self which God took at the beginning. We are transformed and should look like it.

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Outline—Ephesians 4:17–21

  1. The raw material of the sinful man (vv. 17–19)
    1. A mind that is handicapped spiritually
    2. Powerless to grasp the truth in Christ
    3. Hardened to the point of no hope
  2. The very essence of Christ—truth (vv. 20–21)
    1. Life of learning vs. natural darkness
    2. Life of hearing with understanding vs. unbridled desires
    3. Life of truth vs. illusion

Take Home Points

  • For the unsaved, life is a nightmare. For the saved, life is anadventure.
  • Is your life characterized by limitations or is it limitless?Limitations lead to lamentations. Boundlessness leads to blessedness.
  • A lifelong pursuit of knowing Christ gives you direct access to truthfor life.

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Outline—Ephesians 4:15-16

  1. The climate for growth—Speaking the truth in love
  2. The nature of growth—May grow up into Him in all things
  3. The particulars of growth—Joined and knit together by what every joint supplies

Take Home Points

  • Have you received to your capacity?
  • Are you fulfilling your function?
  • Is vital energy in you?
  • Are you causing pain in other parts by being diseased, sinful or lethargic?

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Outline—Ephesians 4:11–16

  1. The structure of the local church—engage (v. 11)
  2. The task of the local church—equip (v. 12)
  3. The loyalty of the local church—edify (v. 12)
  4. The goal of the local church—mature (vv. 13–14)

Take Home Points

  • The call of the local church is made possible by its design—to behavelike a body.
  • The model of the local church is a body moving with one common goal,equipped to serve God.

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Outline—Ephesians 4:14

  1. The enemy within—Captive by our own limitations
    1. The beginnings of the Christian life—Children
    2. The propensities of children—Instability, lack of self-control, easily misled
  2. The enemies without—Capitalizing on our limitations
    1. From all directions
    2. Aimed to make us err—Deceive

Take Home Points

  • Evil has a deliberate policy to undermine the truth.
  • Discipleship is "job one" of the church.

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Outline—Ephesians 4: 12–13

  1. The task of the local church (v. 12)
    1. Upon whose shoulders does it fall?—Saints
    2. Design of the local church—Equip saints
    3. Occupation of the local church—Equip saints to do work
    4. Labors of the local church—Equip saints to do work of the ministry
  2. The loyalty of the local church—Build the body of Christ (body building)
  3. The goal of the local church (v. 13)

Take Home Points

  • Congregational government demands a biblically literate church.
  • Ministry is every believer’s business.
  • Don’t stop setting the bar higher in your life until you are like Christ.

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