Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for the ‘Obedience’ Category


Is it hard to keep God’s commandments? Or do you find yourself naturally getting better, and beginning to love serving God? Keeping His commandments is one clear sign of a truly saved person. Pastor Rick teaches us more in this continuing study from the first book of John.


Matthew 25:14–30—Outline not available.

Related Scripture

  • John 15:11

Take Home Points

  • God makes distinction among individuals (one size does not fit all).
  • Grow what God gives you.
  • Opportunities and abilities are given to us for the purpose of serving God.
  • God will also review our sins of omission.

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Outline—Matthew 12:22–50

  1. Conversion is revealed by your thinking (vv. 22–32)
  2. Conversion is revealed by your heart (vv. 33–37)
  3. Conversion is revealed by your trust (vv. 38–42)
  4. Conversion is revealed by your allegiance (vv. 43–45)
  5. Conversion is revealed by your obedience (vv. 46–50)

Take Home Points

  • Spiritual ties are stonger than physical ones.
  • Have a heart to spread God’s Word to the lost.

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Outline—Matthew 5:43–48

  1. Common rendering of the Law (v. 43)
  2. Clear rule (v. 44)
  3. Chief Regulator (v. 45)
  4. Critical rationale (vv. 46–47)
  5. Central responsibility (v. 48)

Related Scripture

  • Luke 10:5ff

Take Home Points

  • Believers are called to live to a higher standard.

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Salt & Light

Matthew 5:13–16—Outline not available.

Two aspects of salt and light:

  • Two arenas (earth, world)
  • Two illustrations (permeate like salt, illuminate like light)
  • Two requirements (salt must have savor, candle must be lit)
  • Two purposes (salt the earth, glorify the Father)
  • Two defeating conditions (loss of savor, hiding the light)

Related Scripture

  • 2 Thessalonians

Take Home Points

  • Christians are called to be salt, not sugar.
  • As a Christian, you have a design and a purpose: We have to act according to God’s design if we want to have any effect.

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