Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for the ‘Mark’ Category

Outline—Mark 9:14–29

  1. The scene (vv. 14—16)
  2. The circumstances (vv. 17—19)
  3. The Compassion of Christ (vv. 20—27)
  4. The conclusion (vv. 28, 29)

Take Home Points

  • Is there something incomplete or missing in your life that you do not have the ability to achieve? Perhaps you need to be stronger and more faithful in your prayers

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Outline—Mark 9:1–13

  1. Context—the Kingdom will come (vv. 8:38, 9:1)
  2. The event of the transfiguration (vv. 2–4)
  3. Peter’s startle factor (vv. 5, 6)
  4. A lesson to be learned (vv. 7, 8)
  5. Confusion (vv. 9, 10)
  6. Clarification (vv. 11–13)

Take Home Points

  • God’s Word will be fulfilled, it may be partial at first, but there will be a full fulfillment.
  • The word reveals the majesty and purpose of God.
  • There is a beauty in fellowshipping with God.

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Outline—Mark 9:1–8

  1. Context—the Kingdom will come (vv. 8:38, 9:1)
  2. The event of the transfiguration (vv. 2–4)
  3. Peter’s startle factor (vv. 5, 6)
  4. A lesson to be learned (vv. 7, 8)

Take Home Points

  • The Word of God is sufficient—you don’t need anything else.

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Who do you say Jesus is?

Outline—Mark 8:27–38

  1. The disciples’ clear conviction: Jesus is the Christ. (vv. 27–30)
  2. The disciples’ constant message: Jesus had to die, be buried and rise again (vv. 31–33)
  3. The disciples’ comitted calling: pick up your cross and follow Jesus (vv. 34–38)

Take Home Points

  • Who do you say He is—Master, Lord? Does the world know it?
  • You have to die to yourself and follow Christ.
  • Death is not a requisite for discipleship, but if you lose your life, you gain eternal life.

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Outline—Mark 8:1–26

  1. The foundation story (vv. 1–10)
  2. The instructive story (vv. 11–13)
  3. The application of the story (vv. 14–21)
  4. The illustration of the application and the miracle (vv. 22–26)

Take Home Points

  • You might not get it the first time you hear God’s teaching, but by his grace He will eventually let you see it clearly.
  • There are errors in this world. Be on guard against secularism, skepticism, and ritualism because it is easy for us to substitute these things for truth.

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Outline—Mark 7:24–37

  1. Fulfilling Prophecy (v. 24)
  2. An unlikely curcumstance (vv. 25–30)
  3. A unique method (vv. 31–37)

Take Home Points

  • Dads and Moms, love your children with a great love.
  • Don’t be afraid to bombard the gates of Heaven with prayer.
  • Know what God can do and pray accordingly.
  • Pursue the promises of God to know what he will do.
  • Be reminded that the Lord takes great interest in you and your concerns.
  • Whatever you do for the Lord, do it well.

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