Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for the ‘Mark’ Category

Jesus Came to Serve

Mark 10:45—Outline not available.

Take Home Points

  • Jesus knew his place—as the Son of Man (Jesus referred to himself as “Son of Man” 81 times in the New Testament).
  • Jesus knew his task—submission to God’s work.
  • Jesus knew his service—as a ransom for us.

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Outline—Mark 10:32–45

  1. Distress among the disciples vs. the courage of Christ (vv. 32, 34)
  2. Disciples’ sense of privilege vs. Christ’s compassion (vv. 35–40)
  3. Disappoinment and outrage vs. the sacrifice of Christ (vv. 41–45)

Take Home Points

  • Notice the patience and compassion of Christ—it is the same today!
  • Man is always looking for titles of leadership. Let us follow Jesus’ example of servant leadership.

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Outline—Mark 10:21–31

  1. Getting saved is easy, and easier for some (vv. 23–25)
  2. Getting saved is within everyone’s grasp (vv. 26, 27)
  3. Getting saved will solve all your problems (vv. 28–31)

Take Home Points

  • Salvation is hard—it requires a miracle!
  • Man’s difficulties are God’s opportunities.
  • Whatever detracts from the sovereignty of God must be done away with.
  • The cost for knowing Christ is more than made up by blessing from God.

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Outline—Mark 10:17–23

  1. An ascription of goodness (v. 17)
  2. Absolute goodness (v. 18)
  3. A measure of goodness among men (vv. 19, 20)
  4. The requirement that absolute goodness places on men (vv. 21–23)

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Being a Blessing to Others

Outline—Mark 10:13–16

  1. Facts of what’s going on (v. 13)
  2. The Savior’s reaction (v. 14a)
  3. Kingdom lessons (vv. 14b, 15)
  4. The Savior’s heart (v.16)

Take Home Points

  • God calls us to be a blessing to others.
  • You need to develop a thankful heart.
  • You need to claim the task of being a blessing to others.
  • Collect what it takes to be a blessor (material things, spiritual knowledge and wisdom).

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Outline—Mark 10:1–12

  1. Pharisees’ question (vv. 1, 2)
  2. Moses concession on divorce (vv. 3–5)
  3. Biblical doctrine of marriage (vv. 6–9)
  4. Disciples ask for clarification (vv. 10–12)

Take Home Points

  • Choose your mate wisely.
  • Don’t date (or marry) an unsaved person.

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