Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for the ‘James’ Category

Instruction in Wisdom

Outline—James 3:13–18

  1. Instruction in wisdom (v. 13)
    1. Self-examination
    2. Fruit inspection
    3. Making the grade
  2. Wisdom that isn’t (vv. 14-16)—A by-product
  3. Wisdom that is (v. 17)—A gift
    1. Weigh your heart
    2. Weigh your actions
    3. Verdict—Impartial success
  4. Final Thoughts (v. 18)

Take Home Points

  • What wisdom do you display? (Is it peace at any price?)
  • What are you sowing; how are you sowing; what is the harvest?
  • Trust God for fruit—keep planting!

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Outline—James 3:1–12

  1. The power of the tongue (vv. 1–4)
    1. Warning (v. 1)
    2. Challenge (v. 2)
    3. Influence (vv. 3–4)
  2. The peril of the tongue (vv. 5–8)
    1. Don’t be fooled by its size (v. 5)
    2. Big thing in a little package (vv. 5–6)
    3. Has a mind of its own (vv. 7–8)
  3. The perversity of the tongue (vv. 9–12)
    1. Twists creation (vv. 9–10)
    2. Wisdom must be applied (vv. 11–12)

Take Home Points

  • Measure your words before you produce them. What is the importance of one word?
  • There are few sins a man commits where the tongue is not involved.
  • Brother, you would never curse God, but do you do it unwittingly when you speak?

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Outline—James 2:14–16

  1. Saying without doing proves deficient faith (vv. 14–17)
  2. Saying without doing proves doomed faith (vv. 18–20)
  3. Saying without doing proves dead faith (vv. 21–26)
  4. Saying and doing proves durable faith (v. 22ff)

Take Home Points

  • The focus of church charity begins with God’s people locally.
  • Be certain your faith is one that is uniquely different than a “demon’s faith.”
  • Be a friend of God.
  • Works of charity have nothing to do with deeds of gratitude that originate from a thankful heart of a believer.

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Liberty’s Law

Refer to Psalm 19. God’s law gives freedom. It is not a law of fear, but instills joy in God’s precepts. If you cross the boundaries of the law, you become a slave to sin and lose your freedom.

Outline—James 2:8–13

  1. Law of Liberty Recap (v. 8)
  2. Law of Liberty Broken (v. 9)
  3. Law of Liberty Integrity (vv. 10–11)
  4. Law of Liberty’s Internal Guide (v. 12)
  5. Law of Liberty Vindicated (v. 13)

Take Home Points

  • Christian freedom still has laws (Hebrews 4:13). Maturity has guiding principles—it is never at a loss of how to act.
  • Granted mercy demands imitation.
  • Mercy does not triumph at the expense of justice; the triumph of mercy is based on the atonement wrought on the cross of Calvary (Edmund Hiebert).

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Outline—James 2:1–13

  1. Introduced (v. 1)
  2. Illustrated (vv. 2–4)
  3. Explained (vv. 5–11)
  4. Applied (vv. 12–13)

Take Home Points

  • Let the Scripture be your heritage and standard (v. 12a).
  • Let love be your law (v. 12b).
  • Let mercy be your message (v. 13).

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Real Religion (Part 2)

Outline—James 1:26–27

  1. Talk: Bridle the tongue (v. 26)—Keep your tongue in check
  2. Act: Show mercy (v. 27)—Get your hands dirty helping people inneed
  3. Guard: Keep yourself undefiled (v. 27)—Keep yourself clean fromthe filth of this world

Take Home Points

  • Words can give your religion a hollow ring (hasty word, shading of truth, hidden innuendo, questionable jokes).
  • Counterfeit religion is nothing more than external formalism.

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