Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for the ‘James’ Category

Ref: James 4:6–10

Principles of Discipleship

Outline—Luke 9:23–26

  1. Decision (v. 23)
  2. Denial (v. 24)
  3. Dedication (v. 25)
  4. Determination (v. 26)

Take Home Points

  • Real discipleship begins with a changed heart.
  • Real discipleship is not a theoretical abstract, a collection of open options. Discipleship is a hard, measurable reality.
  • Are you disciple of Jesus Christ, or are you double-minded?

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Outline—James 4:8

Humility treasures purity in its love for God—Partnered preparation.

  1. Choose to know God
  2. Choose to keep clean (Story of the salvation of Cornelius the Centurion through Peter)

Take Home Points

  • The text challenges everyone, no matter where you are on the spiritual scale from interested in salvation to born again, to draw near to God.
  • Have you shortened the distance between you and God?
  • Keep telling the story of the Gospel! It is in the telling that God does the work of drawing a lost soul.

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Outline—James 4:7

Humility treasures duty to God—Privileged submission

  1. Choose to serve
  2. Choose to stick to it

Take Home Points

  • Have you shouldered the responsibility of the Christian life?
  • Submit to the control of God in your life, and stand where he puts you to the end.

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Outline—James 4:6

  1. Principle stated
  2. Principle illustrated
  3. Principle reiterated

Take Home Point

  • Pride shuts out grace.

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How do I know if I am becoming a worldly Christian?

Outline—James 4:3–6

  1. My prayer life will change (vv. 2b–3)
    1. It will be paralyzed (v. 2b)
    2. It will be ineffective (v. 3)
  2. My walk with God will change (vv. 4–6)
    1. Spiritual regression: Adultery, hater, enemy (v. 4)
    2. Spiritual Conflict (vv. 5–6)

Take Home Points

  • Covetous selfishness is an insult to God.
  • Recognize that it is spiritual arrogance and pride that stands at the root of our indifferent prayerlessness. Only spiritual neediness, poverty and destitution drives us to our knees and draws us near to God.
  • Just as covetous idolatry of the Old Testament times was spiritual adultery, so is the lustful, pleasure-seeking, self-gratifying Christian behavior of today.
  • Spiritual adultery makes prayer impossible and unanswerable.

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Worldliness is the opposite of submission to God in life and spirit. When you stop fighting covetousness, and you give in to it, you still have the desires growing in your heart but have no way to fulfill those growing desires. The consequence: quarrels and hate.

Outline—James 4:1–2

  1. Worldliness is warfare (v. 1)
  2. Worldliness is rooted deep within (v. 1)
  3. Worldliness is filled with danger (v. 2)
  4. Worldliness is never satisfied (v. 2)
  5. Worldliness baulks at restraints (v. 2)

Take Home Points

  • Where has covetousness taken root in your heart?
  • What steps do you need to take to have victory over this worldly behavior?
  • Give thanks to God who promises to supply every need.

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