Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for the ‘Hebrews’ Category

Outline—Hebrews 2:5–11

  1. The plight of fallen man (vv. 5–8)
  2. The plan of redemption (v. 9)
  3. The perfect savior (v. 10)
  4. The privileged saints (v. 11)

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Stir Up One Another

Outline—Hebrews 10:19–25

  1. Priestly role of Christians (vv. 19–21)
  2. Church covenant (vv. 22–25)

Related Reading

  • John Owens, Owen’s Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews

Take Home Points

  • Stir each other up to love and good works.
  • What is there in your life that is challenged by this text?

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2 Peter 1:5–8 and Hebrews 12:1–2—Outline not available.

This recording includes material from our evening Bible study on the Patience of Christ. Be sure to read the Pastor’s blog post that goes along with this message.

Take Home Points

  • If you have spiritual faith, there will be evidence in your life.
  • Patience means endurance, perserverence.
  • God uses the illustration of a race/contest because life is manageable!

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Outline—Hebrews 4:14–16

  1. We have a superior High Priest (v. 14)
  2. We have a sinless High Priest (v. 15)
  3. We have a satisfying High Priest (v. 16)

Take Home Points

  • Jesus Christ has atoned victoriously.
  • He is approachable and we need to treat Him so—he’s our Savior.
  • He is a well-timed help before temptation leads to sin.

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Outline—Hebrews 2:14–18

  1. Call to attention (vv. 1–4)
  2. Call to consider (vv. 5–9)
  3. Call to embrace (vv. 10–13)
  4. Call to praise (vv. 14–16)
  5. Call to utilize (vv. 17–18)

Take Home Points

  • How can you resolve to be more attentive to Christ this year?
  • How can you be more responsive to His victory?
  • How can you display more completely His saviorhood in your life?
  • How can you live more in victory in the victory of Jesus Christ?
  • How can you be more dependent on Him?

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Outline—Hebrews 1–13

Jesus Christ is:

  1. The name above all angels (vv. 1–7)
  2. The name of absolute sovereignty (v. 8)
  3. The name of royal annointing (v. 9)
  4. The name of eternal immutability (vv. 10–12)
  5. The name of assured triumph. (v. 13)

Take Home Points

  • Do you know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?
  • Is Jesus—the name that stands for us as absolute sovereignty—in control of your life? Have you yielded to His control? Have you done so while you still have breath? (Know this: One day you will do so when you are resurrected unto judgment.)
  • Is His the name of assured triumph? Has He conquered you? Have you yielded to His conquering grace?

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