Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for the ‘Gospel of John’ Category

Outline—John 7

  1. Jesus speaks to man’s estrangement
    1. Christ teaches the proof is in engaging Him. (vv. 14–24)
    2. Some partake, some do not. (vv. 26–27)
  2. Jesus speaks to man’s lostness.
    1. Christ teaches the proof is in His purposed mission. (vv. 27–29)
    2. Some are convinced, some are not. (vv. 30–31)
  3. Jesus speaks to man’s rebellion
    1. Christ teaches the proof is in His victory. (vv. 32–34)
    2. Some yield, some do not. (vv. 35–36)
  4. Jesus speaks to man’s need
    1. Christ teaches the proof is in His sufficiency. (vv. 37–39)
    2. Some receive, some do not. (vv. 40–52)

Take Home Points

  • What tools do you bring with you to help you understand your world? Common sense, moral wisdom you have gained, education—can you “judge righteous judgment”?
  • What is making your soul thirsty today? Are you parched by health, wealth, security issues? Where do you search for satisfaction?
  • While there is breath, there is hope. Some who are doubters today will be saints by God’s grace tomorrow. God was working in lives behind the scenes in John 7—brothers of Jesus, Nicodemus, some who said He was the Christ.

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Outline—John 6

  1. The gracious signs (vv. 1–21)
    1. The mixed crowd (vv. 1–12)
    2. The mixed disciples (vv. 13–21)
  2. The patient explanation (vv. 22–59)
    1. Sovereignty—Rest your trust in Christ (vv. 22–27)
    2. Saviorhood—Recognize His authoritative mission (vv. 28–33)
    3. Satisfaction—Rely on His satisfaction of your soul (vv. 34–40)
    4. Substitution—Reckon His substitution for you (vv. 41–51)
    5. Sustenance—Receive Him Who sustains (vv. 52–58)
  3. The consequential reactions (vv. 59–71)

Take Home Points

  • Who is Christ to you? Bread of life or your meal ticket?
  • What do you value more at this moment? Fleshly profit or Spirit life (v. 63)?
  • For those standing “at the gate” like Judas, come to know the resting release of Peter’s statement in v. 69.

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Outline—John 5

  1. Jesus’ life—restoration purpose illustrated (vv. 1–18)
  2. Jesus’ life—restoration purpose assured (vv. 19–30)
  3. Jesus’ life—restoration purpose authenticated (vv. 31–47)

Take Home Points

  • Lack of love has a blinding affect.
  • You cannot accept Christ and reject the Word of Scripture.
  • The only source of authentic life is Christ.

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Outline—John 4: 27–54

  1. Keep your eye on the Master. (v. 27)
  2. Witness in such a way that you engage the thinking. (vv. 28–29)
  3. Keep your eternal focus. (vv. 30–34)
  4. Be part of a team. (vv. 35–38)
  5. It is always the season to sow, it is always the season to reap. (vv. 35–38)
  6. Remember: It is His Word that saves. (vv. 39–42)
  7. Personal contact with Christ makes faith complete. (v. 42)
  8. Faith is unmixed trust. (vv. 43–54)
  9. Faith must grow. (vv. 43–54)

Take Home Points

  • The soul of a woman is not less precious than that of a man.
  • Distance makes no difference in Christ’s power and love.
  • Evangelize with a view to growing faith.

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Outline—John 4:1–26

  1. Go where people are. (v. 6)
  2. Open a conversation. (v. 7)
  3. Deal with people alone. (vv. 7–8)
  4. Be positive in your presentation. (vv. 9–10)
  5. Arouse curiosity and interest. (v. 10)
  6. Use their questions to advantage. (vv. 11–14)
  7. Show them the emptiness of life. (v. 13)
  8. Uplift the person of Christ. (v. 14)
  9. Present the gift of God. (vv. 10–14)
  10. Confront with sin. (v. 16)
  11. Keep to the main subject. (v. 20)

Take Home Points

  • Do you have the Living Water?
    • Lasting satisfaction—once reborn, always reborn (v. 6:35)
    • Enters within the soul—deep down
    • Never diminishing
  • Do you prepare to witness every day?
  • Do you lead persons to Christ?

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Outline—John 3:22–36

  1. Humility is tested from the strangest quarters. (vv. 22–26)
  2. Humility is founded upon the revelation of God. (vv. 27–29)
    1. Our advantage is allotted by God. (v. 27)
    2. Our purpose is determined by God. (v. 28)
    3. Our joy is centered on God. (v. 29)
  3. Humility assures that the excellence of God shines through. (vv. 30–36)
    1. The rule of the believer’s life (v. 30)
    2. The superiority of the eternal (v. 31)
    3. The priority of revelation (vv. 32–35)

Take Home Points

  • If you are jealous, check to see if you lost your humility somewhere along the line.
  • Our living example of humility is Christ (humbling at the incarnation and humbling at the sacrifice&mdash—verse 36.
  • Direct your energies such that the people around you elevate Christ exclusive of all others (lesson for pastors/teachers, lesson for parents, lesson for discipling—set the seal&mdash—verse 33).

Thoughts on Humility (Deuteronomy 8:2, Proverbs 16:18–19)

  • Humility is cast like wrought iron in us by the Refiner’s fire at salvation.
  • Humility daily takes its bearings from a right relationship with God.
  • Humility clears the deck for God to use us unhindered.
  • Humility is a transforming recognition of our own mortality.
  • Humility is the only good soil to grow a healthy crop of thankfulness.
    • Put on humility—Colossians 3:12
    • Be clothed in humility—1 Peter 5:5–6
    • Walk in humility—Ephesians 4:1–2)

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