Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for August, 2020

God’s love is not the touch-feely emotion of Hollywood and pulp fiction novels. The Bible says that God is love, but it also says that He is light and a consuming fire. In this lesson, Pastor Crookshank challenges us to learn the true nature of God’s love and start loving others in the same way.


Am I Saved?

You can not know for sure if someone else is a born-again Christian. Sometimes you are not even sure about yourself. But John tells us where to find evidence that we are authentic Christians.


In salvation, God moves us from the sphere of death to the sphere of life. When we are given that eternal life, we experience God’s love and begin to love others in that same unconditional way. The truth, or reality, of salvation is that it changes us and that change is evident in our everyday lives.


Can you ever have true love? Yes. God loves His children with true love. This devotional explains different kinds of love and shows that God’s love is perfect and unconditional. If you accept Jesus as your Savior, you can receive and learn to give that same kind of love.

We apologize for a brief picture loss at the 30 minute mark.