Are You Sure You Are Saved?
Aug 19th, 2018 / 1 John, Salvation, Witnessing
Outline—1 John 5:1–5
- Love revealed by saving faith (v. 1)
- Love revealed in obedience (vv. 2–3)
- Love revealed in overcoming faith (vv. 4–5)
How to know if you are saved (from the Wilmington Study Bible)
- Do you live your live in light of the rapture?
- Do you continually dwell in sin?
- Do you desire to help your brother?
- Do you really love your brother?
- Do you really love God?
- Do you enjoy rapport with other believers?
- Are you plagued with constant fear?
- Are you able to overcome the world?
- Can you recognize false doctrine?
- Are you straight on the deity of Christ?
Take Home Points
- Are you setting you affection on things above?
- Salvation is an overwhelming victory!.
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