How Do We Relate to a Pastor?
Mar 20th, 2016 / 1 Timothy, What Is the Church?
Outline—1 Timothy 4:12–16
- Priority of example (v. 12)
- Priority of public worship (v. 13)
- Priority of call (v. 14)
- Priority of advancement (v. 15)
- Priority of stewardship (v. 16)
Related Scripture
- 2 Timothy 1:5–7
- 1 Corinthians 12:1–11
Take Home Points
- There are two parts to a pastor: example and gift. A pastor offers an example of godly living and teaches doctrine.
- If you are a Christian, you are a saint, so live accordingly.
- We (Christians) should all live as examples of believers in a way that is evident to everyone.
- Stir up you heart to use what God has given to you.
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