The Praying Church
Dec 13th, 2015 / 1 Timothy
Outline—1 Timothy 2:1–7
- The scope of a praying church (vv. 1–2a)
- The subject of a praying church (vv. 2b–4)
- The Savior of a praying church (vv. 5–6)
- The speech of a praying church (v. 7)
Related Scripture
- Hebrews 7:25
Take Home Points
- All people (whether you like them or not) are fair game for your prayers.
- As long as you are on this earth, there is a power that you are to exert (prayer).
- Never lose sight of the one to whom you pray: He is all-powerful!
- Conform your prayers to the bent that God requires.
- Retain confidence that you live in the right time and place.
- Maintain your witness in the arena of truth.
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