Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for April, 2010

Outline—1 Timothy 12–14

  1. The problem—youthfulness
  2. The principle—be an example
  3. The procedure—be an example in what you:
    1. Say
    2. Do
    3. Give
    4. Believe
    5. Keep

Take Home Points

  • The Lord Jesus Christ came to save sinners. Have you accepted Christ as Savior?
  • For the believer, carelessness in any area (word, conduct, love, faith, purity) can spell disaster.
  • This example is to be followed whether anyone else is following or not—because somebody will some day.
  • This is all for one purpose—for the sake of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. You may be the only example of scripture that someone may ever see or know.

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Jude (Part 6)

Outline—Jude 14–16

  1. Prophetic words (vv. 14–15)
  2. Puffing words (v. 16)

Related Scripture:

  • Acts 20:29–31
  • 1 John 4:1–3
  • 2 Peter 2:12–3:9
  • Romans 8:9

Take Home Points

  • God will judge evil.
  • We ought to guard against any form of apostasy.
  • If you know the Word of God, don’t fail to hold it in high esteem. Know it; love it; cherish it; share it; live it; demonstrate it everywhere you go.
  • We deal in the realm of ideas. Hold on to the Truth of the Word of God and share it, because God’s business is convincing. God will use His Word to convince and convict.
  • Remember that there are people to be praying for. When someone claims to know the Lord, yet their profession of faith is amiss, their soul and eternity are in jeopardy. Our job is not to be hoodwinked by them — our job is to communicate the truth.

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Outline—Hebrews 4:14–16

  1. We have a superior High Priest (v. 14)
  2. We have a sinless High Priest (v. 15)
  3. We have a satisfying High Priest (v. 16)

Take Home Points

  • Jesus Christ has atoned victoriously.
  • He is approachable and we need to treat Him so—he’s our Savior.
  • He is a well-timed help before temptation leads to sin.

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Related Scripture:

  • Philippians 3:7–11
  • Colossians 3:1–3
  • 1 Thessalonians 4
  • Ephesians 2


  • When Jesus Christ rose from the grave, He was the firstfruits of all those who sleep in Christ. He rose from the grave to life. It is not just a story, not just a picture of something mystical that happened long ago—it is a reality. He is alive!
  • Before we are saved, we are spiritually dead in trespasses and sins. There is no power in the withered hand to get a hold of God by faith. There is no mind that can conceive of such a dying love in Jesus, and trust in the fact that He literally rose from the grave. (Ephesians 2)
  • Unless God works on your heart, there is maybe a thought of “what happens when I die,” but there is no conviction that would lead you to salvation, because that’s too painful. Conviction is that first painful inkling that you need to be brought to life. (It’s pain like unto a hand or foot that’s gone to sleep, and when the blood finally circulates again, there is a painful tingling.)
  • If you are not saved, you are going to find that when God really does bring you under conviction, that all-of-a-sudden there’s a painful experience. It is a conviction that you have not known Christ and you are lost without Him, and you are dead. You do not have a hope because you do not have a living Christ.
  • Believers, pray that God will bring the unbelievers around you to a saving knowledge of Christ, because life is not designed to stay in the grave.
  • Is the grave where you want to be for the rest of eternity? Neither is the grave of fleshly self-centered life where we belong for the Christian existence on earth. (“If you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above….” Colossians 3) As with Lazarus, the grave clothes—that which stinks of decay—is to be cast-off.

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