Healing Body and Soul
Jun 7th, 2009 / James, Perseverence, Suffering
“Does any among uou suffer?”
- Suffering refers to more than just sickness (James 5:9–14):
- Suffering refers to discipline, trials, injustice, persecution, and oppression as well as illness.
- No matter what the cost of perseverence may be, there is the challenge to bear-up under the difficulty and do it well, because we don’t know what God is intending to do and bring about in the midst of the trial.
- The point is communion with God—meeting God where He desires to be met.
- As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are a soldier (2 Timothy 2:1–6), and will suffer the trials of a soldier. As a soldier, know this (courtesy of former chaplain at Arlington National Cemetery):
- You must say goodbye to the world you once knew.
- The world around you will continue to change.
- There is always an enemy.
- You’ve got to maintain success in a highly competitive world and situation.
- Severity involved in service and training is to be expected.
- Soldiers are not designed for garrison life.
- There is a great celebration at home for victory.
- Suffering may be for discipline (Hebrews 12:1–17):
- This is the suffering for Jesus Christ—the suffering under the hand of a mighty God who would cause us to be more like Him.
- The call is to pray, to commune with your Father.
- Let God do the determining of the ultimate lesson.
- Remember you are a soldier, and remember you are a son.
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