Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for August, 2009

Outline—Joshua 1:10—2:

  1. God shows providential mercy to a new commander. (vv. 1:10—2:1)
  2. God shows providential mercy to an undeserving sinner. (vv. 2:2–7)
  3. God shows providential mercy to His servants. (vv. 2:8—24)
  4. God shows providential mercy through His servants. (vv. 6:22—25)

Take Home Points

  • As a born-again saint, always keep in mind that your story is really the story of God’s mercy.
  • Salvation is all of grace.
  • Our knowledge may be slim & our faith (if we’ve trusted Christ) is unusual, but the story of God’s grace is spectacular.

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Who Was Joshua?

Outline—(Joshua 1:1–9)

  1. A humble man with a mission (1–4)
  2. A humble man with a promise (5–7)
  3. A humble man with a message (8–9)

Take Home Points (This is a divine formula for success):

  • There is no substitute for full obedience
  • Obey to the tiniest detail (Joshua 23:6)
  • His secret was not clever methods or clever people, but obedience to the Word of the Lord

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Outline—Job 28–29

  1. The recounting of Job
  2. The crux of the matter—where it reaches home (v. 29:2)
  3. The practical causes for yearning for bygone days
  4. The effective cures for spiritual malaise

Take Home Points:

  • God has revealed His plan for you. (Romans 8:28–30)
  • Remember how great is God—research His promises. (Jeremiah 29:11–13)

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