Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for October, 2008

Outline—Ephesians 4:30–32

  1. Did you know that God can be grieved? (Isaiah 63:10, James 4:5)
  2. Do you remember what He does for you?
  3. Do you know what grievance is?
  4. Do you know how we grieve Him?
    1. Disposition, deeds, declaration (vv. 30-32)
    2. Failure to realize His presence
    3. Failure to respond to His compelling, leading, and prompting (Philippians 2:12-13)
    4. Forgetting the end of salvation

Take Home Points

  • What is the work the Holy Spirit has been about in your life recently?
  • Can you identify an area where you have been grieving the Holy Spirit?

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Outline—Ephesians 4:28–29

  1. A word about work (v. 28)
    1. Negative—steal no more
    2. Positive—work with his hands
    3. Principle—that he may have to give
  2. A word about conversation (v. 29)
    1. Negative—let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth
    2. Positive—speak words of edification
    3. Principle—that he may impart blessing

Take Home Points

  • There is a Christian dignity in work.
  • The believer is to pursue blessing others throughout his life.

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Outline—Ephesians 4:25–27

  1. A word about truth (v. 25)
    1. The negative—put away lying
    2. The positive—speak truth with your neighbor
    3. The principle—we are members of one another
  2. A word about anger (vv. 26–27)
    1. The negative—be angry and sin not
    2. The positive—do not let the sun go down upon your wrath
    3. The principle—do not give place to the devil

Take Home Points

  • The Christian principle of truth telling is greater than simply being amoralist, the principle stems from the very character of God and Hiscommission for each saint.
  • There is such a thing as righteous indignation based upon the characterof God, but it is never an anger which is unfettered and out of control.

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Outline—Ephesians 4:22–24

  1. Put off (v. 22)
  2. Be renewed in your mind (v. 23)
  3. Put on (v. 24)

Take Home Point

  • We have been healed, released, redeemed (bought), set apart, blessed,accepted, and included. We are no longer the worthless self which God took at the beginning. We are transformed and should look like it.

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