Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for August, 2008

Outline—Ephesians 4:14

  1. The enemy within—Captive by our own limitations
    1. The beginnings of the Christian life—Children
    2. The propensities of children—Instability, lack of self-control, easily misled
  2. The enemies without—Capitalizing on our limitations
    1. From all directions
    2. Aimed to make us err—Deceive

Take Home Points

  • Evil has a deliberate policy to undermine the truth.
  • Discipleship is "job one" of the church.

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Outline—Ephesians 4: 12–13

  1. The task of the local church (v. 12)
    1. Upon whose shoulders does it fall?—Saints
    2. Design of the local church—Equip saints
    3. Occupation of the local church—Equip saints to do work
    4. Labors of the local church—Equip saints to do work of the ministry
  2. The loyalty of the local church—Build the body of Christ (body building)
  3. The goal of the local church (v. 13)

Take Home Points

  • Congregational government demands a biblically literate church.
  • Ministry is every believer’s business.
  • Don’t stop setting the bar higher in your life until you are like Christ.

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Outline—Ephesians 4:11–13

  1. The structure of the local church—Engage (v. 11)
  2. The task of the local church—Equip (v. 12)
  3. The loyalty of the local church—Edify (v. 12)
  4. The goal of the local church—Mature (v. 13)

Take Home Points

  • The plan for the local church has not evolved over the centuries; it has been the same since its inception.
  • What role does the pastor play in your spiritual growth and in the life of your family?

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