Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for April, 2008

Outline—John 12

  1. The priority of the moment(vv. 1–11)
    1. Thankful disciple
    2. Thoughtful disciple
    3. Thorough disciple
    4. Timely disciple
  2. The priority of the message (vv. 12–16)
  3. The priority of the mission (vv. 17–36)
    1. Substitutionary death (vv. 27–28)
    2. Sacrificial service (vv. 28–30)
    3. Satisfying will (vv. 31–33)
    4. Sobering thought (vv. 34–36)
  4. The priority of the Master (vv. 37–50)

Take Home Points

  • Are you a disciple?
  • What is the quality of your discipleship?
  • The time is now to be a first-order disciple. Questionable discipleship exemplified: Judas was selfish (vv. 5-6), the disciples were dull (v. 16), the crowd was arrogant in their knowledge (v. 24), and the rulers were carnal (vv. 42-43).

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Outline—John 11:1–44

  1. The precursor of death (vv. 1–10)
  2. The pattern of death (vv. 11–16)
    1. Lively sleep (conscious existence)
    2. Restful sleep (Revelation 14:13)
    3. Limited sleep (temporary and awake refreshed—1 Corinthians 15:55)
  3. The poverty of death (vv. 17–38)
  4. The plundering of death (vv. 39–44)

Take Home Points

  • Cruel delays are often divine tender concern.
  • Verses three and four is comforting to any believer who is sick.
  • Jesus is the Lord over death and life.
  • Difficult situations can lead to belief in God’s sovereign love.

The hope of the resurrection is not in resurrection only, but in being alive to please Him who is the resurrection and the life, and never sinning again.

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Outline—John 10

  1. The allegory (v. 1–5)
    1. The test of a shepherd (vv. 1–2)
    2. The task of a shepherd (vv. 3–5)
  2. The allegory explained and amplified (vv. 6–21)
    1. The test of a shepherd—What he brings (vv. 6–10)
    2. The task of a shepherd —What he does (vv. 11–21)
      1. Selfless ownership (vv. 11–13)
      2. Personal ownership (vv. 14–16)
      3. Sacrificial ownership (vv. 17–21)
  3. The allegory distilled (vv. 22–42)
    1. Belief proves a deeper reality (v. 26)
    2. Reality of Certainty (v. 27)
    3. Reality of Security (v. 28)
    4. Reality of Sovereignty (v. 29)
    5. Reality of Unity (v. 30)

Take Home Points

  • What do you need to know of the shepherd? (He seeks His sheep, lays down His life, gives His life, takes up His life, knows the sheep, keeps the sheep, provides, enfolds, etc.)
  • What do you need to know about false shepherds? (They are thieves, robbers, strangers, unbelievers, hirelings,…)
  • What do you need to know about yourself? (Are you owned lock, stock, and barrel by the Good Shepherd?—Or are you yet in unbelief?)

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Outline—John 9

  1. The purpose of the Savior (vv. 1–5)
  2. The procedure of the miracle (vv. 6–7)
  3. The perplexity of the acquaintances (vv. 8–12)
  4. The impasse of the Pharisees (vv. 13–34)
  5. The pursuit of the Savior (vv. 35–38)
  6. The plea of the lesson (vv. 39–41)

Take Home Points

  • Recognize the blindness of fleshly judgment of circumstances – Who sinned? (v. 2)
  • Recognize the blindness of fleshly judgment concerning the work of God.—No one understood the work. (v. 30)
  • Recognize the blindness of fleshly judgment concerning sin. (v. 41)

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