Hanover Baptist Church Events

Archive for the ‘Youth’ Category

Following the morning service, several families met to discuss and plan for a family-integrated Bible class to be held during the Sunday-School hour. Discussion topics included class structure, study topics, benefits, etc. Additionally, we developed a preliminary schedule that identifies topics, duration, and leaders. For additional information, contact Ward Weberg.

Family Fun Night

Tonight from 6:00–10:00, Hanover families gathered in the fellowship hall with left-over Christmas treats and board games to play!  We had a fun night of fellowship together.

This year children from Hanover Baptist church were involved in a ministry to reach the shut-ins at our church.  They went home to home, sharing the true story about Jesus’ birth, bringing hope and Christmas joy to the lives of those who are unable to come to church at a regular basis. Each person was presented a homemade nativity as a reminder of the message they were given in the hopes that it would resonate with them every time they look at it.  This was a wonderful opportunity for families to give just a little bit of themselves to share the message of One who gave all of Himself for us.

This morning the children shared their message with the members of the church.

You can even download a short MP4 video of the presentation. (30 MB)

Tonight Hanover youth gathered for some serious fun and good eats! We had soda, juice, various bags of chips and, of course, Pizza! We brought our (mother’s) favorite cookie cutters and made/decorated dozens of cookies.

Operation Christmas Child was center-stage today through the 21st as Hanover acted as the official collection point for King George. By the end of the week, we delivered over 500 shoeboxes to the collection center in Fredericksburg.