Our honorees this year are Nathan Crookshank and Diandra Foster. It was a very special time to observe a rite-of-passage and celebrate their achievement.
Archive for the ‘Youth’ Category
Following the morning service we had a picnic on the church grounds, with games in the afternoon. Weather didn’t look very promising in the morning, but by lunchtime, the sun was shining. We had grilled hamburgs and hotdogs, with all the good stuff you want on a picnic. The Lord blessed us with a wonderful day. Several families visited, and kids of all ages had a wonderful time playing kickball, hitting pitches, swinging, and playing manhunt.
Family Campout
May 6th, 2011 / Youth
Friday the sixth and the Saturday following were pretty amazing to say the least. After setting up camp, most of those present hovered around the fire pit to roast (more like burn) marshmallows and hot dogs. Hot dogs are great burnt, but definitely not marshmallows…just saying. Pastor Crookshank also shared a devotional with us allowing interaction from parents and children. While the adults chatted near the warmth of the campfire, the children played manhunt and various other games in the church fields and woods.
The next morning, most people got up bright and early. Mr. Snell, Mr. Lowe, and Mr. Foster made a tasty breakfast for us. Having then packed up all of our tents and gear, we headed over to the Pizana’s house for an afternoon of shooting.
Church members of all ages met early this morning to clean up the church grounds. With many young people helping out, including members of the local Homeschool Honor Society, it felt more like a “fun day” than a workday. Folks pulled weeds, spread mulch, cleaned up trash, trimmed the bushes, sanded and painted the railing, and cleared felled trees, all the while socializing and keeping up good spirits as they labored from 8am until noon. Good fellowship and hard work combined to create great memories and a very tidy churchyard.
This event was sponsored by the youth ministry celebrating Valentine’s Day. They provided a great meal including soft/hard tacos, refried beans, salad, all the trimmings for the tacos, desserts, and drinks, plus of course great fellowship. Preparation for this event started a couple weeks in advance (food items being provided), and set-up at the fellowship hall was held last Friday.
You could see the hard work the youth put into this event, from the decorations to the meal. Let’s not forget our adults who participated as well with their time and devotion to the youth and this ministry. We can see and feel the joy our great Lord and Savior Jesus gives us through ministry events like this. We look forward to many more future ministry events by the youth at Hanover Baptist Church.