Hanover Baptist Church Events

Archive for the ‘Youth’ Category

Tonight we celebrated Lindsey’s high school graduation with pie, cake, presents and a touching devotion lead by Pastor Crookshank.

Today’s Spring Carnival was full of food, fun, and prizes for the young and younger. Of course the adults had fun “supervising” the day’s events. Pat didn’t seem to mind minding the grill either.

Camp Out

Hanover’s Teen and Youth Ministry sponsored a camping trip to nearby Westmoreland State Park. Camp cooking, hiking, shooting, face painting, and crafts. ‘Twas a busy weekend!

Lake Anna Family Day

We convoyed to Lake Anna for a day of picnicking, swimming, chillin’, and just plain fun. Gary and Don brought thir boats, tubes, and life vests. Knowing this bunch, do you doubt that good food was also near to hand?