Hanover Baptist Church Events

Archive for the ‘Jewels’ Category

JEWELS had double-stuff fun at their “Black and White Night.” Every lady in attendance donned black and white apparel and nibbled their way through Oreos, dipped in milk, as well as Oreo truffles. Giggles were many as we shared what type of Oreo eater we each were…the “twister,” “dunker” or “stuffer”. A time of sharing areas in our lives that are “black and white” (or absolutes) ended our evening on a pleasant note as we all agreed that the love of God is without a doubt the greatest absolute!

JEWELS will be meeting the first Wednesday of every month from 7pm–8pm. Please join us for an hour of sweet fellowship!

*JEWELS = Just Everyday Women Encouraging, Loving & Serving

This morning was our ladies’ 12th annual tea! Each year seems to be a greater blessing from the Lord, and this year’s event was truly wonderful.

Hanover men met our visitors in the parking lot and directed the ladies to the perfect parking spot. Arrival went so smoothly because of their organizational help.

stack of colorful teacups

When our guests got to the door, they were greeted by our lovely younger ladies who were so kind and eager to serve. Inside, Cheryl Carter and the creative team composed a gorgeous setting, garlanding the fellowship hall with watering cans and Wellies, brimming with flora in bright yellows, greens, purples and blues. The room soon filled with ladies of all ages, all fresh and lovely, and truly the blooms framed in the garden scene.

After opening remarks from Mrs. Betsy Crookshank, a hymn, a welcome and prayer by Mrs. Sharyn Halpin, the ladies enjoyed fellowship with one another while feasting upon a beautiful brunch. A delicious array of muffins formed the centerpiece at each table.

Mrs. Betsy had everybody giggling as she described the challenges in a fictional parenting-themed Survivor episode. Carleigh Watts and the Pizana girls then played Pachelbel’s Canon in D as the musical interlude before the message.

Mrs. Genean Vinatieri shared an earnest, encouraging devotional about The Garden of the Heart—cultivating it, watering it, and weeding it, especially!

The precious fellowship with good friends was made sweeter by the new friendships made. It was a beautiful day, and another memorable Ladies’ Tea at Hanover that the women of King George will remember with fondness while anticipating next year.

Today, several Hanover ladies were blessed at the SBCV-sponsored Women’s Ministry Conference (see video) themed “The Titus 2 Model: Women of All Ages Mentoring Women of All Ages.” Our own Betsy Crookshank was one the the seminar leaders, speaking on hospitality. Who exhibits hospitality better than Betsy?

The conference was held at Ramoth Baptist Church in Stafford, Va. If you missed this wonderful opportunity to be engaged, equipped and encouraged, be sure to visit the SBCV website for other conference dates and locations.

Tonight the ladies gathered for “Coffee, Chocolate and Chitchat.” It was a great time to relax, nurse a cup o’ joe, and just get to know each other. And chocolate—need we say more?!

Well, yes. Fellowship time was discussing the things we love about Hanover. This was also a kitchen shower. Attending ladies graciously provided a wide variety of kitchen gadgets, utensils, and supplies that we so needed since our little church has being growing so much.

All ladies and their daughters (age 12 and up) were invited to join in the fellowship and fun of our annual Fall “Auction.”

Betsy started the evening with a very practical devotion on what to do with worry (hint: put in a box).

After the devotion, we snacked and had a “silent” auction on the inexpensive things that the ladies brought tonight (including several containers suitable for “worry boxes”). Each lady received tickets (at no charge) which she used to “bid” for her most desired trinkets and treasures. Lorrie demonstrated each item in its best light while Sharyn drew the winning tickets. It isn’t easy to explain in words, but the pictures show what a merry time the ladies had.

Ladies also brought their favortie Fall recipes to share. They will be compiled into a small cookbook and all our ladies will get a copy! Check back for an online link to the recipees here, too.
