Hanover Baptist Church Events

Archive for the ‘Jewels’ Category

October thru November, it was a class just for us gals! Betsy Crookshank taught a topic each week that was near and dear to women’s hearts such as prayer, depression, marriage, guilt, devotional life, etc.

Jewels 18 and older gathered tonight for a time of devotion, prayer, and fellowship. Oh, and snickerdoodles…

This morning several of us visited Ramoth Baptist Church, Stafford, who hosted a learning event for Sunday School teachers, deacons, women’s ministry and youth leaders, and everyone interested in a healthy church. This conference was a free event of worship, teaching and leadership training, and workshops to encourage, mentor and challenge us in our areas of service.

…for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ… ~ Ephesians 4:12

The morning worship session featured a keynote speaker, praise team, testimony and special music. Afterward, there were break-out sessions for the following ministries:

  • Women’s Ministry
  • Men’s Ministry
  • Student Ministry
  • Children’s Ministry
  • Preschool Ministry
  • Pastors
  • Missions
  • Sunday School/ Small Groups
  • Discipleship/ Assimilation
  • Evangelism & Outreach
  • Worship & Music
  • Churches Planting Churches


Ladies, Got Milk? Or in our case…Got Milkshakes? Tonight the JEWELS ladies from 12 and up gathered in the Fellowship Hall for an evening of milkshakes and devotion. Ice cream was provided, but the ladies brought their own blenders and favorite “blendees” to make custom milkshakes.


Have you ever been to a pocketbook exchange? I think it was new to all of us ladies and girls. Everyone brought in an unneeded purse, some of us digging deep into our closets (or under our beds) for one or two we could part with. At the end, most of us had a “new” purse for that special occasion.