Hanover Baptist Church Events

Archive for the ‘Outreach’ Category

This morning several of us visited Ramoth Baptist Church, Stafford, who hosted a learning event for Sunday School teachers, deacons, women’s ministry and youth leaders, and everyone interested in a healthy church. This conference was a free event of worship, teaching and leadership training, and workshops to encourage, mentor and challenge us in our areas of service.

…for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ… ~ Ephesians 4:12

The morning worship session featured a keynote speaker, praise team, testimony and special music. Afterward, there were break-out sessions for the following ministries:

  • Women’s Ministry
  • Men’s Ministry
  • Student Ministry
  • Children’s Ministry
  • Preschool Ministry
  • Pastors
  • Missions
  • Sunday School/ Small Groups
  • Discipleship/ Assimilation
  • Evangelism & Outreach
  • Worship & Music
  • Churches Planting Churches

This morning we hosted our annual yard sale along with a church work day. Sales were good, and we enjoyed visiting with the shoppers. We even managed to get a lot of work done around Hanover on this beautiful day.

Prayer Walk

Two families met with Pastor Crookshank at the church at 3:00. We divided into four teams and walked along several roads in King George.

The Lord prepared the way ahead of us, and we talked with several individuals and families who had prayer concerns for their marriages, children, our community and our country. After the prayer walk, we shared dinner at Vinney’s then went back to the church for our time of prayer.

The Lord brought many concerns for us to pray about. Each team shared their day with the whole group, and we all prayed together. We were truly blessed by the people we met today, and thank God for this opportunity to serve Him and grow as Christians..

Community Yard Sale

This was our 4th annual yard sale! Church family, neighbors and friends brought tables and set up here on the church property. It was a great opportunity to clear out the attic and garage, and have some serious fun while we were at it.

This year children from Hanover Baptist church were involved in a ministry to reach the shut-ins at our church.  They went home to home, sharing the true story about Jesus’ birth, bringing hope and Christmas joy to the lives of those who are unable to come to church at a regular basis. Each person was presented a homemade nativity as a reminder of the message they were given in the hopes that it would resonate with them every time they look at it.  This was a wonderful opportunity for families to give just a little bit of themselves to share the message of One who gave all of Himself for us.

This morning the children shared their message with the members of the church.

You can even download a short MP4 video of the presentation. (30 MB)