Hanover Baptist Church Events

Archive for the ‘Missions’ Category

Noon–3:00 PM—We collected 17 Buckets of Hope for Haiti. That evening we delivered them to the relay point in Stafford.

We packed our shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child following the morning service.

From Monday, November 16 — Sunday, November 22 we were the official drop-off location for King George County. We received shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child from individuals and churches in the surrounding area and packaged them for shipment to the processing center in North Carolina.

Again this year Hanover packed a truckload of shoe boxes for the Samaratin’s Purse Operation Christmas Child. We got together after service, had a nice lunch, and everyone helped stuff shoe boxes full of toiletries, books, toys, and love.

Later in the week, Hanover became the relay station for county residents and churches to drop off their shoe boxes.

Stuffing shoe boxes for Christmas—tonight we stuffed some more shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Deacons Charles and Randy, because of their great wisdom and good humor, were selected to pack the shoe boxes into the big cardboard boxes for shipment. Though Randy may have expressed his doubts once or twice, in the end all the shoeboxes made it into place.