Hanover Baptist Church Events

Archive for the ‘Ministries’ Category

Jewels 18 and older gathered tonight for a time of devotion, prayer, and fellowship. Oh, and snickerdoodles…

This morning several of us visited Ramoth Baptist Church, Stafford, who hosted a learning event for Sunday School teachers, deacons, women’s ministry and youth leaders, and everyone interested in a healthy church. This conference was a free event of worship, teaching and leadership training, and workshops to encourage, mentor and challenge us in our areas of service.

…for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ… ~ Ephesians 4:12

The morning worship session featured a keynote speaker, praise team, testimony and special music. Afterward, there were break-out sessions for the following ministries:

  • Women’s Ministry
  • Men’s Ministry
  • Student Ministry
  • Children’s Ministry
  • Preschool Ministry
  • Pastors
  • Missions
  • Sunday School/ Small Groups
  • Discipleship/ Assimilation
  • Evangelism & Outreach
  • Worship & Music
  • Churches Planting Churches

From Tuesday, July 17th – Friday, July 20th Hanover invited children 5–10 years old to a great time of fun, activities, and learning about Jesus. Kirsten coordinated the event but many volunteers were on hand to ensure a sucessful Vacation Bible School.

Today, several Hanover ladies were blessed at the SBCV-sponsored Women’s Ministry Conference (see video) themed “The Titus 2 Model: Women of All Ages Mentoring Women of All Ages.” Our own Betsy Crookshank was one the the seminar leaders, speaking on hospitality. Who exhibits hospitality better than Betsy?

The conference was held at Ramoth Baptist Church in Stafford, Va. If you missed this wonderful opportunity to be engaged, equipped and encouraged, be sure to visit the SBCV website for other conference dates and locations.

This Friday night and Saturday morning, we had a great time camping out in Hanover’s back yard. We pitched our tents while it was still light then Pastor Crookshank lead us in a special devotion. We kpet warm around the blazing campfire, roasting dozens of hot dogs and making s’mores. We ended up laughting and playing into the wee hours of the morning, eventually wearing the adults out. We rested well, though the sun came up far too early!