Hanover Baptist Church Events

Archive for the ‘Ministries’ Category

Lorri Foster and Betsy Crookshank hosted Hanover girls ages 12 and up (through high school) after church today (in the Fellowship Hall) for pizza and ice cream. No boyz! No parents! Just eating and talking! Major fun!

At 8:00–11:00 this morning, the intrepid men of Hanover gathered at the parsonage to prepare firewood for Pastor Rick and Betsy. They are now in good shape for the winter, and even more wood is seasoning for the next year.

All ladies and their daughters (age 12 and up) were invited to join in the fellowship, fun and merriment.

Each lady brought an item or two that was gently used or inexpensively purchased that we didn’t mind someone else taking home. Each lady received tickets (at no charge) with which to “bid” for her most desired trinkets and treasures.

We also shared our favorite fall appetizers, savory snacks and sweet treats.

Friday afternoon was a time of fun and fellowship around the campfire with the usual hotdogs and fire-toasted buns. Saturday began with a bacon and egg breakfast followed by a day full of games and activities for the whole family.

October thru November, it was a class just for us gals! Betsy Crookshank taught a topic each week that was near and dear to women’s hearts such as prayer, depression, marriage, guilt, devotional life, etc.