Hanover Baptist Church Events

Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Survey Sunday

Pastor Darrell Webb was our guest speaker this morning. After his sermon everyone moved to the fellowship hall in order to complete a survey on church health. Other than ongoing prayer, this is the first step in our design for seeking God’s will for Hanover’s future.

Easter Sunrise Service

Due to the unpleasant weather forecast, we met at 7:00 a.m. at the church (instead of outside at Dahlgren Wayside) for a special service commemorating Jesus’ resurrection. ‘Tis a sweet and worthy thing to remember.

Ah, spring! Time for the semi-annual much anticipated spring campfire fellowship. Cool nights, hot dogs; macaroni salad, toasted marshmallows, canvas chairs, and worshipful hearts. Yes, springtime!

Talent Night

Where can you get an evening of music, poetry, photography and art? At Hanover talent night, of course! Each new family that comes to Hanover brings new talents to share on this special evening.

Christmas Eve Service

It was a special evening candlelight service celebrating the birth of our Savior.