Hanover Baptist Church Events

Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Tonight the MCT met with Darrell Webb and Vince Blubaugh, SBCV church strategists, to discuss our church mission statement. We’ve made great strides in bringing the mission statement together and we all agreed on a new motto for our church. Look for an announcement on May 31st.

Work Day

From 8:00 AM — Noon, members of all ages pitched in to work around the church. You can see the results in the landscaping/mulching around the front of the church and where weeds were scraped out of the parking lot. Step around back to see the new play set for the kids!

This morning’s Sunrise Service was a review of the resurrection story from the perspective that there was no slight-of-hand in Christ’s resurrection. He was most assuredly dead before He was buried and it was a miracle that He was resurrected! Luke 23:46-56.

Good Friday Service

This evening we met in the fellowship hall with some refreshments; it was a bit chilly to be outdoors per our original plan. We studied Romans 10:9-13 and the change brought about in trusting Christ. We had a time for sharing testimonies and it was a joyful celebration of the life-changing truth that Jesus Christ lives.

FYI: The Church Health Task Force is everyone who participated in the Church Health Weekend

Darrell Webb of the SBCV joined us as we discussed the ideas generated by the steering committee during the Church Health Weekend and started developing our action plan.