Hanover Baptist Church Events

Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Church Workday

It was a busy day, starting at 8:00am. We accomplished many things today. We now have working landscape lights, and lighted exit signs. A crew really put their back into removing leaves, cleaning gutters, and tidying up the playground. A heroic effort was made to get the new projection screen installed in the sanctuary, but it didn’t get finished until a couple days later. Thanks so much for all your help!

Annual Meeting

We met tonight for our annual business meeting to review the year, approve the new budget, elect new officers, and welcome our new deacon, Dave Lowe.

Don and Dot are retiring to South Carolina; their church family will miss them dearly. Today, after the morning service we had a delightful dinner in their honor, celebrating the wonderful blessing they have been to all of us at Hanover.

After another hearty morning Bible message, we filled the fellowship hall for a meal honoring Pastor Crookshank and his wife Betsy. After the meal Charles Carter gave a mini Bible lesson on appreciating the blessing of a wonderful pastor and wife every day of the year. Soon others were standing and giving their personal thanks to Pastor and Betsy for 6 years of love and devotion to God and the people of Hanover Baptist.

Friday: 6:15 PM–9:30 PM

Saturday: 9:00 AM–12:15 PM


The focus of the seminar was Managing Our Finances God’s Way. The course was led by Gary Wood, a certified financial planner and registered investment advisor. Gary is in his 35th year of serving in the financial services industry; his firm is a charter member of Kingdom Advisors and also serves as a resource partner for our state convention, the SBCV.

In this interactive five-part study, we explored sound Biblical precepts of financial management and discussed practical applications of these precepts. Lesson topics included:

  • The Foundation for Sound Family Finances
  • Successfully Planning Your Spending
  • God’s Solution to Debt
  • Saving and Investing in a Challenging Economy
  • Financially Free to Answer the Call.

This course taught us to exchange the stresses of financial ownership for the freedom that awaits us as stewards of all that God has entrusted to us.