Hanover Baptist Church Events

Archive for the ‘Koinonia’ Category

Family Campout

Always a great time of fun and fellowship for young and old(er) alike, the spring campout was a rousing success. Friday, we pitched our tents and greatly enjoyed the campfire as we talked into the night.

Saturday we spruced up the church property (a mini workday) in preparation for next weekend’s Ladies’ Tea. We also got to do some pellet gun target shooting; the competition was be fierce!

On friday evening, campers prepared our own hotdogs and s’mores over the campfilre, but Saturday we had a civilized indoor breakfast to give us energy for the day.

Talent Night

Another of Hanover’s greatly anticipated traditions! Which talent did you share and which did you enjoy most— music? story-telling? dramatic reading? or was it the hand-made crafts? Whichever your talent or favorite, we can all agree that it was a great time of enjoyment, appreciation, and celebration of the Lord’s blessings.

After the morning service, we met in the fellowship hall for fun and eats. The youth prepared and served a tummy-warming taco lunch and we enjoyed a wide variety of delicious desserts. It is amazing how many ways there are to prepare the relatively simple taco. And how many desserts our members love to share.

Tonight we read through the last chapters of the book of Revelation, and learned the real conclusion of the universe! Such heady stuff was tempered with refreshments and holiday leftovers.

Christmas Dinner

Following this morning’s service we filled the fellowship hall to celebrate Christmas and friendship. The hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion, and the food and fellowship were outstanding.