Hanover Baptist Church Events

Archive for May, 2009

Today Hanover Baptist church is took part in a day of prayer and fasting for world evangelism. Please see the International Mission Board website for more information.

Hanover Day of Prayer

We set aside this day to pray and fast for our church, our community, and our nation.

This year’s Relay for Life, hosted by the American Cancer Society, was held at the old King George High School today. About 600 people from the county showed up and there were about 40 different teams set up around the track with various fundraisers for the fight against cancer. Whether they were church groups or families selling anything from BBQ sandwiches to tie-dye t-shirts, the enthusiasm for what they were fighting for was evident in the dedication of the team members and participants that took turns walking around the track. Team Hanover Baptist Church, with Cheryl Carter as Team Captain, had 17 members come and participate over the day. We ran a lemonade stand for the thirsty walkers and to raise money for the fight against cancer.

JEWELS Night Out

Tonight the JEWELS joined up for a for a “Girls Night Out” at TruLuv’s in Fredericksburg.