What does the Bible say about leadership?
Oct 12th, 2008 / Salt and Light
Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:2–8—NIV)
The hunt for great leaders is always in season. Some dire circumstance raises its ugly head presenting unique obstacles and the masses tune their ears to the voice casting a verbal spotlight upon the beast while clearly defining a believable course to victory. Nations, corporations, churches, families, and individuals are always on the hunt for the next savior.
Finding a great leader is often problematic. It is human to search for the one who appears a cut above the average man in youth, visage, polish, and pedigree, especially in our media age. The public eye tends to rest upon those who are great communicators, commanding in their presence, enviable in their status, or have burst upon the scene of public recognition with some certain attained star appeal. The eye perceives them to be well-heeled and tailor made for a position of leadership but it cannot easily detect the core of the being. Are they untested, incomplete in moral virtue, weakly lit with fearfully few rays of original thinking, and largely stockpiled with resources of low tensile strength? The defects become apparent to the eye when the chosen leader enters the lists.
I believe that leaders are not created by trying circumstance, genuine leaders are revealed. Leadership is a resilient quality of constructed character seamlessly and skillfully applied through one’s native abilities to every aspect of one’s life. In some cases one’s leadership has a broadened influence by the opportunities of life and particular circumstances can be a catalyst for a leader’s visible ascendancy.
I also believe that sterling leadership is led. The Greatest Leader among men has been the One Who followed His Father and obeyed His will. Quality leaders are those who are unafraid to be led by virtues of godliness without qualification and without exception. Because of this they do not shy away from the glare of public scrutiny especially when defeat seems to have the upper hand. Leadership is doing what is right regardless of who is following.
Our text says that Jesus is the "Author." The word signifies that He takes the lead in, He provides the first occasion of, He takes precedence as the foremost among examples of faith, He is the lead Leader. He is the supreme example of a leader that every man, and every aspiring leader, must follow to be a leader of the first order. Sterling leadership is led by sterling qualities. He is the foremost Leader of anyone who is treading the path of leadership.
Not only is He the lead Leader but He is also the "Finisher" of faith. He is the Perfector Who carries an object on to fullest completion and lacking in nothing; on time, on budget, on target, no more to be said but the telling of victory well won.
Whether you are looking for leadership among men, or are being looked to as a leader among men, the moral of the story is the same. Great leaders yet to be revealed by future circumstance are those who are preparing and building today, utilizing the most qualities and virtues of the lead Leader Jesus Christ. Are you building your life today for the tests of tomorrow? What is the raw material you are storing up within for the day of challenge? Who owns you and who is your hero? Trust and obey.