No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, Who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. (1 Corinthians 10:13—NIV)
This verse has been a great comfort to Christians when confounded by the wiles of Satan for it gives a guarantee of Providential care in the struggle with temptation. While we remember that James 1 teaches that there are types of temptation which arise from within which do not come under the provisions of this Scripture, there is a great deal of our spiritual wrestling that comes upon us from external sources. The Holy Spirit enables us to war against the inner temptations as God the Father superintends the external battles which come upon us.
The original word for temptation is peirasmos, a term denoting testing with beneficial results, though a failure in the testing will produce detrimental results, just as taking a test in school. It is a trying and proving process with real danger involved in poor performance. The context points to Israel’s failure in the wilderness and their testing of God. The sins they committed are boldly named so that they may stand as a reminder to our generation of the consequences of sin.
Paul explains that these temptations are not something that come as a shock to our system because they are so out of character. They are common to mankind. These are everyday and every lifetime kind of temptations. These are ones which overtake the saint, he has not sought them out, he has not swerved into the path of oncoming temptation, he is "caught-up-with" by them, so to speak. Believers are not immune to the difficulties, cares, temptations and burdens common to all men. Regain your perspective from jaw-dropping surprise brought on by temptations with the words "such as is common to man."
Allow the beauty of the next words to sink into your soul. God is faithful! The simplicity of the words belies the condescending majesty of the powerful love of God fully active in favor of His own. His loving-kind acts will not fail even in the times of poignant trial.
His promise is plainly stated. He will not allow us to be trapped without an exit plan but will provide the way to escape. The word picture is significant. The way is pictured as a pass through the mountains. When you are surrounded by insurmountable circumstances God’s faithfulness will be evident as He provides the pass through the trial so that you may be able to bear it.
No Christian should ever say, "The devil made me do it." Instead say, "The grace of God brought me out of it." To God be the glory as you trust and obey.